One Step Closer to the Introduction of Data Protection Fines

  • Post category:Hungary

The Head of the Hungarian Data Protection Agency (DPA), the Data Protection and Information Commissioner currently functions as an ombudsman and notably, it had no particular administrative powers at the time of the adoption of the Hungarian Data Protection Act in 1992. This situation changed with the EU access of Hungary, when the Commissioner has been empowered to release binding decision on the blocking, deletion or destruction of unlawfully processed data, prohibit the unlawful processing of data, and suspend the transfer of data to foreign countries. The decision of the DPA cannot be remedied in an administrative way and a court action may be initiated for its judicial review before the Metropolitan Court. Although the Commissioner exercised administrative powers in connection with the release of its blocking / deletion order, remarkably, the procedure of the DPA had no formal boundaries at all which did not guarantee the rights of the clients and did no secure the enforcement powers of the DPA either.


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Position of the Hungarian DPA on Software Used in Health Administration

  • Post category:Hungary

The Data Protection Commissioner has recently released a standpoint on software used in health administration which concerns different aspects of the processing of health data, including scientific research, storage of data abroad, as well as the information requirements to patients.

The full text of the Commissioner’s position is available in English below:


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New Whistleblowing Rules in Hungary

  • Post category:Hungary

As reported earlier, on 1 April 2010, the Act for the Protection of Fair Process entered into force in Hungary which regulates public interest whistleblowing at the workplace. Since the…

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